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National Guard
Podcast – 20 DEC 2018

Podcast – 24 AUG 2018

The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) represents the interests of over 400,000 men and women in the Army and air National Guard, Veterans, and family members, and we are happy to bring you real-time information to what’s going on...

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Podcast – 20 DEC 2018

Podcast – 24 JUL 2018

The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) represents the interests of over 400,000 men and women in the Army and air National Guard, Veterans, and family members, and we are happy to bring you real-time information to what’s going on...

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Conversion for Laymen

Conversion for Laymen

There has been some talk over the past several months about conversion. No, we are not talking about religion—we are talking about the Guard’s technician program. Section 1053 of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law 114-92), requires the SECDEF to...

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Sarah Thompson

Business Consultant
